Branding Solutions

Corporate & Freelance Clients

Harness Group makes IT services available to businesses that want a high level of IT support, but don't need a full time IT staffer on the payroll. After working with one of the co-owners on his previous IT venture, he sought me out to craft a new brand when it was time to create Harness Group with a new partner. A clean and more modern look was a great fit for the new company.

A full branding solution, including a style guide, was furnished at first. Following that, business cards and later a responsive one page website was created. The goal was to cut any confusion for the customers, showcasing the highlights and pointing them to contact Harness Group for a custom tailored IT solution.

Young Masters is a program that puts children’s artwork on keepsakes and memorabilia. I always did like the YM program, some of the work that these kids do is just fantastic. Several years ago, this TSS program became a full-fledged business model and was then franchised as well.

In addition to the original logo design I developed the printed proof concept that the company still uses today. A rich variable data “proof” that combines the child’s artwork onto a customized order form for the parents.

This was an alternative logo developed for the product lineup that later was named Persona Portraits. Another creation under TSS, sadly this version of the logo that I favored didn't make it to market for legal complications with similar branded offerings. Shame, it tested really well in the market for the short time it was offered.

Rector, Reeder & Lofton PC contacted me for a new brand as their new partner (Lofton) was officially being added in to the identity of the company. Many versions went around for this one, in the end I'm glad they chose one of them that had a good use of the negative space rather than adding a third color to the palette.
